Seeing as my last blog post on this site was summer of 2008, I'm guessing I've lost more or all of my readers. Totally fine. I'm not upset with you for leaving. I'd leave, too. But, guess what? I'm back. And I've tried to entice you back with a very snazzy photo of me and my new HUSBAND (yes, 2009 brought a marriage). That mustache on his face is not real, but it made a real statement.
Today is the FIRST day or 2010 and I thought it appropriate to blog again on this poignant day.
It's too much to think about trying to catch you up on all things 2009. Besides, 2009 is sooooo yesterday. Know what I mean?
I figure, I keep writing, things will surface about the year that has just passed. I will briefly bullet point a few highlights, to which I will reply to any specific questions from my non-existant fans.
2009 in bullet points:
- New Years Eve 2009 was spent meeting my now-husband's parents for the first time
- February 21st 2009 - I got engaged. I had worked all day at the Film Independent Spirit Awards and had no idea that I'd be coming home to a candlelit house, champagne, rose petals and the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.
- March 26 2009 - I turned 26. Eh.
- April 2009 - My friend, Amy, who has been immobile for the past year got an artificial disc placed in her lower back and she can walk again! Miracles do happen. I learned a lot about the Lord during this time in my life (her illness and recovery).
- May 1 2009 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine opens #1 at the box office. My name appears in the credits as "Assistant Visual Effects Coordinator."
- May 2009 - My writing partners and I had our first ever meeting with a manager about our TV drama pilot script that we wrote.
- June 2009 - My grandfather, "Binks," passes away. He was the true definition of a patriarch and lived the most Christ-like life I've known.
- July 4 2009 - Our nation's birthday. Also, my wedding day. Greg and I affectionately call it "Dependence Day." The setting: the blazing hot South. My hometown of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Fireworks. We left by boat. Amazing. From Louisiana a honeymoon in Costa Rica where we ziplined over the tree tops of the jungle.
- July - September 2009 - Worked on the set of a giant film directed by the legendary Garry Marshall. The film is called Valentine's Day. It stars every actor every in Hollywood. Ever. I worked as the script coordinator and also appeared on screen making out with my husband in a scene with Anne Hathaway and Topher Grace. I also became eligible to join the SCREEN ACTORS GUILD! Go see it FEBRUARY 12, 2010!!! See trailer here: PLAY TRAILER
- October 2009 - Our short film, GRANDE DRIP, wins the coveted Audience Award at the Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis for "Best Short." Our short has played at a total of 7 fests, with more to come!
- November 2009 - I make the decision to begin pursuing acting. I book a small scene with Reese Witherspoon and host a sporting event for Sports Studio Casting. I also start working for a commerical casting director, running camera and learning the ropes.
- December 2009 - My dad takes my husband duck hunting for the first time over Christmas break. Santa brings me golf clubs so that I can pursue my new pasttime and perfect my shot.